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How much is a ferry from brjanslaekur to Stykkisholmur?

Brjanslaekur to Stykkisholmur ferry price can differ depending on the season. The average price of a ferry from Brjanslaekur to Stykkisholmur is $130. Which ferry companies operate between Brjanslaekur to Stykkisholmur? How can I book ferry tickets from Brjanslaekur to Stykkisholmur?

How to get from Stykkisholmur to breidafjördur?

Ferry Baldur crosses Breidafjördur Bay daily from Stykkisholmur on the Snæfellsnes peninsula to Brjanslaekur in the north. A ferry ride considerably shortens the route between the south and mid-west of the country and the West Fjords region. It also gives you the opportunity to experience a floating restaurant. WIFI on board.

How do I get from Stykkishólmur to Flatey?

Over the summer many visitors choose to visit the beautiful charming island of Flatey, renowned for its birdlife. It's popular to take the morning ferry from Stykkishólmur and return in the evening or continue on to Brjánslækur.

Is Stykkishólmur a hidden gem of Iceland?

Once a cultural epicentre, it now just has five year-round residents, making it a true hidden gem of Iceland. If you are taking the earlier boat in the summertime, you could opt to spend a few hours on the island to stretch your legs, enjoy the cafe or have a picnic in the fresh sea air before heading on to Stykkishólmur.

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